12345678910111213141516171819202122 |
- package v1
- import (
- "github.com/gogf/gf/v2/frame/g"
- )
- type SupportReq struct {
- g.Meta `path:"/supprot" tags:"Support" method:"get" summary:"Get a list of all supported networks"`
- }
- type PriceReq struct {
- g.Meta `path:"/price" tags:"Price" method:"get" summary:"Get price update of a token."`
- Address string ` v:"required" json:"address" dc:"代币地址"`
- Chain string ` v:"required" json:"chain" dc:"链名"`
- CheckLiquidity float64 ` json:"check_liquidity" dc:"流动性验证"`
- IncludeLiquidity bool ` json:"include_liquidity" dc:"是否返回流动数据" `
- }
- type CommonRes struct {
- Success bool `json:"success" dc:"是否成功"`
- Data interface{} `json:"data" dc:"数据"`
- }